Why are Grassroot venues so important and why should we save them?

Feature Image: Brighton Grassroot venue The Hope and Ruin

Grassroot venues are the lifeblood of the live music industry. These small, intimate spaces give emerging artists a platform to showcase their talent, build a fanbase, and connect with the local community. From small clubs and bars to DIY spaces and warehouses, these venues are essential for the development and growth of both artists and audiences. Here’s why;

A Low-Risk Environment for Emerging Artists
Grassroot venues offer emerging artists a low-risk platform to test their material and build up their live performance skills. The smaller audience sizes and informal setting allow new artists to experiment with their sound and stage presence, with the added benefit of receiving immediate feedback from their audience. For many artists, these early shows are instrumental in building up a fanbase and gaining confidence on stage.

A Place to Connect with Local Communities
Grassroot venues often have a strong connection to their local community and are instrumental in creating a sense of place. They serve as an important social hub where people from different walks of life can come together to enjoy live music, and form connections and friendships. These venues also help to give a voice to local artists and reflect the unique cultural identity of the community.

A Stepping Stone to Bigger Stages
For artists looking to take their careers to the next level, grassroot venues are an important stepping stone. These intimate shows serve as a breeding ground for talent, and attract music industry professionals looking to discover the next big thing. Successful artists like Adele, Ed Sheeran, and Amy Winehouse all started their careers playing small venues and building their fanbases from the ground up.

A Vital Part of the Live Music Ecosystem
Grassroot venues are a vital part of the live music ecosystem, not just for emerging artists but for the wider industry. They serve as a training ground for new staff, sound engineers, and other industry professionals, and provide a source of income for local businesses. They also attract music tourists, who are drawn in by the unique experiences on offer and contribute to the local economy.

The Threat of Closure
Despite their importance, grassroot venues are under threat. Rising rents, property redevelopment, and noise complaints all pose a risk to the future of these small venues. The COVID-19 pandemic has also hit the live music industry hard, with many venues struggling to survive without government support. It’s important that we recognize the vital role that these venues play in our cultural ecosystem and take action to preserve them.

How can you help?

If you are a music lover (we can only assume the answer is yes if you read this far!) there are many ways you can help save your local grassroot venues. Check online for any venues at risk and write to the council to object the reasoning. Many venues face noise complaint-related issues as new developments in cities get preposed. Always keep an eye out and help where you can so we can keep the music industry alive and thriving. Signing just one petition could mean you help the next big artist.

In conclusion, grassroot venues serve as an essential platform for emerging artists, a connection to local communities, a stepping stone to bigger stages, and a vital part of the wider live music industry. As music fans, it’s our responsibility to support these venues and ensure that they continue to thrive for years to come.