THIS IS: The Front Bottoms live in Oxford.

The Front Bottoms, a dynamic American rock duo known for their raw and vulnerable lyrics, took the stage with their band on December 9th at the O2 Academy in Oxford, delivering a truly captivating performance.

As soon as we arrived at the venue, the line of excited fans waiting for doors to open set the night up the way it would continue. The excitement and buzz of happiness spread across the street, attracting people passing by to ask what was happening inside the venue that night. Once doors opened and fans entered, the energy followed.

Then the opening act, another American rock band Vundabar, entered the stage and got the energy even higher, the perfect choice for the crowd as everyone jumped and sang along to every song. The crowd was so alive that you could mistake them for the main act if someone randomly walked in. Once they had finished playing hits such as Alien Blues, the crowd waited in anticipation for the main show.

Cue The Front Bottoms. The moment the band entered the stage the crowd cheered and jumped along to the songs. The atmosphere captured the true magic of live music. After playing a handful of hits, the crowd was opened for requests. They played songs such as ‘Father’ and ‘Skeleton’ as they interacted with the audience the way any good artist should. This element of interaction just captivated the show.

There was no denying that Lead singer Brian Sella and Drummer Mat Uychich had the most incredible chemistry. It was like they were born to perform on a stage together. Accompanied with a live band, The performance was near perfect.

As the show neared the end, the band left the stage to fans’ dismay, to re-merge for a three-song encore. Playing hits such as “Maps” and “Twin Sized Mattress” before lights went down and the band left for the last time, leaving everyone in a perfect state of post-concert depression before even leaving the venue.

This concert will undoubtedly leave a lasting impact on those fortunate enough to experience it, solidifying The Front Bottoms’ position as a band that touches the hearts and souls of its listeners.