Frog hats, Kazoo’s, and….snake lovers?

We were lucky enough to catch Tiktok sensation Corook perform at Chalk in Brighton on December 7th. Unlike other shows, the crowd was equally as entertaining as the artists on the stage. From the dozen of frog hats, a signature style from the Pittsburgh singer, to the matching amount of Kazoos which joined in with the songs. The audience gets bonus points at this show.

Photography by Em Fletch

The show began with the Scottish opener Blaire who provided the audience with some beautiful tracks to get the crowd comfortable and warmed up before Corook stormed the stage with a fun quirky intro and upbeat hits to get the crowd moving from the get-go.

Corook was incredible with their stage presence and audience interaction, the show felt almost like a theatrical experience with the perfect setlist, warming the crowd up straight away and having entertaining transitions and fun introductions for songs, there was never a boring moment to this performance. A personal favorite of ours was the performance of ‘Snakes’ where Corook paused just over halfway through to ask if anyone liked snakes, to proceed with the overwhelming yes response with a remix of the song where they like snakes. It was a gig filled with talent, great music, and a wonderful interactive crowd. Although Corook has fun songs, there are also the emotional ones that were transitioned well into the mid-set and had everyone in their feelings before the show kicked back up to exciting songs.

Despite this being Corook’s ‘Serious Person Tour’, the show was silly, and even through mistakes Corook kept a smile on their face and didn’t let technical issues stop the show. One guitar decided it didn’t want to work, the crowd was treated to an acoustic version of new songs, followed later by the hit ‘If I Were A Fish’ which was also performed acapella due to the faulty guitar issues. If you have the chance to check out Corook in the new year we would heavily recommend it if you need an all-rounder, feel-good show.

If I were a fish…I’d want to be at this concert for sure!