The Pypes tell us about their new single, Favourite crisps and World Domination.

Off the bat of their Single release ‘Studio Flat’ we had the chance to chat with The Pypes. The Pypes are a Scottish/English indie rock band featuring the lovely Pippin Wood on vocals, Hal Willows-Ritchie on Guitar, Louis Collins giving the funky drum beats and Gregor Wood providing the sweet low notes on Bass. Their debut single Studio Flat released on the 15th of March, We love their single and can’t wait to hear more from them.

You’ve just released your new single Studio Flat, how did you feel making/releasing it? What was your inspiration for the song?

It was a longgg process! I wrote it in 2021 after meeting my boyfriend and staying in bus miniature bedsit for a week. The release was the most cathartic feeling, I’m so happy it’s out.

What’s the best advice you have ever been given?

It was actually from one of those like, tiktok slideshows. Where some guy is like “oh it’ll take three years” and the reply is ” the time will pass anyway”. Made me a lot more comfortable in putting time into the things I want to do. 

What’s your favourite song to perform live…or what is the song you most look forward to playing live in the future?

Personally, I love playing studio flat, and long live guitarpop, I know G loves better than Sertraline and Louis loves I wanna be, so it’s a mixed bag in the band. 

Who is the biggest Diva in the band?

G for sureeee. He’s my little brother so I’m biased but definitely G. 

Are there any particular milestones you’re aiming to achieve in the next few years?

World domination. Pypemania running wild. No but in seriousness, an album or two, more gigs and just enjoying the process.

What’s your favourite audience interaction you’ve had at a gig?

Last gig, during long live guitarpop I had a little dosie doe through the audience with a bunch of people that was so much fun. Either that or also last gig, we had the whole audience get down during studio flats bridge, that felt incredible. 

Where does your mind go when you’re on stage?

Hard to say. Somewhere. It’s a very feverish feeling when we really get going, like I’m not fully in my own head.

What’s something you have learned from each member of the band?

 Louis has been a big teacher on the importance of a show, rather than a gig. Live arrangements and the such. G is literally the reason I do this, he showed me my own passion in doing music and is the sole reason I do it. Hal is the one who’s shown me how to love making music along the way, and to love playing live. 

What would be your dream venue to play?

Ooh personally probably Red Rocks. It’s an absolutely gorgeous venue, and a chance to travel the states. 

Favourite Crisps?

Scampi and Lemon nik naks. Will take no criticism at this time 

When can we expect a new EP or Album?

Sooner than you think!

What’s your most interesting gig experience?

My weirdest/most interesting gig experience was that we played a slot at the blue lamp in Aberdeen (where the band is originally from) and between sets I told my parents I had something to tell them when I’m home. Naturally they freaked out, we watched a fantastic queer band called jack brotherhood and then I came out as trans to my parents over the phone, before watching the rest of the gig. 

The Pypes fun and hard-working personalities contribute to the quality of their songs and stage presence. The band has released their new single ‘Studio Flat’ with more exciting things to come. Make sure to follow their socials for future shows and releases, you won’t want to miss out.

Photography by IzzyLH