Festival Friday: spotlighting Soft Play.

This week for Festival Friday, we have Soft Play, the English punk rock duo from Tunbridge Wells.

Soft Play are the British punk duo made up of Laurie Vincent and Isaac Holman. After being on hiatus
for several years, the band, formerly known as SLAVES, have reignited their partnership under a new
moniker, and have been back on the road with The Prodigy marking the band’s much anticipated return
to the live arena.

Instead of shying away from discourse following the decision to change their name, latest single ‘Punk’s
Dead’ see’s the band remould the real life criticism and commentary into a Comments Section frankenstein of pure lyrical mastery. Braced by a cast of friends and fans who contribute vocals to the
track’s bridge (including one particularly notable guest), the playful return of serve arrives as a timely
reminder of the spirit of humour, joy and community which has always been the cornerstone of the
duo’s identity.

Grab your tickets for The Great Escape so you don’t miss out HERE