Death happens, but Mother Mother make it sound good. A Review of Grief Chapter by Mother Mother

Photo Credit: Mackenzie Walker

With 20 years in the industry, Mother Mother releases their latest album, “Grief Chapter,” which invites listeners on a wonderful musical journey that won’t disappoint. Layered with emotion, innovation, and artistic finesse, this album proves to be a masterful display of Mother Mother’s talent and creative vision. From start to finish, “Grief Chapter” stands as a testament to the artist’s growth and ability to push boundaries, leaving fans and critics alike in awe.

“Grief Chapter” is a mesmerizing work of art, showcasing Mother Mother’s evolution as musicans. The album delivers a cohesive and immersive experience, leaving a lasting impression with its poignant lyrics, polished production, and irresistible melodies.

Within its 12 tracks, each one hits differently, with no skips on this album. When listening to it, I found myself constantly pressing replay. Some of our favorites include:

“Nobody Escapes,” the album opener, which is a perfect introduction to the rest. It’s upbeat, exciting, and just leaves you with a smile. Its infectious vocals capture listeners and hook you into wanting to hear the rest. Despite the song blaringly reminding us that nobody escapes death, Mother Mother reminds us in the most fun way. It’s one of our favorite tracks on the album.

“Days” fills the number 5 slot in the album. This track is definitely on repeat with its incredibly upbeat and funky sound. It brings the return of the banjo and lets you know that everyone has rough days, but it’s not the end when they come about. There are bad days, and the world keeps going. This song reminded us of newer Paramore, which is not a bad thing.

“Explode!” is filled with wonderful melodies that Mother Mother always manages to smash out in their songs. This is one we are excited to see live. The change of pace grabs listeners and keeps us engaged. This song comes along with a new music video. Frontman Ryan Guldemond says, “This song is about the desire to live so fully that one becomes overzealous and manic about it. There’s a fear-based element within striving so hard: fear of death, fear of time running out, and fear of not doing enough. Thus, we end up doing too much and, in turn, getting tired, losing our ability to be present, and ultimately never finding peace.”

“Grief Chapter” boasts a remarkable breadth of musical diversity, effortlessly blending genres and experimenting with unconventional sounds. From the infectious grooves of the up-tempo tracks to the stripped-down vulnerability of slower-paced songs, Mother Mother explores a rich sonic palette in a way that keeps the listener engaged and eager for more. Each song feels distinct yet perfectly woven into the tapestry of the album, resulting in a thoroughly cohesive listening experience.

The lyrics displayed in “Grief Chapter” are undeniably brilliant, with Mother Mother crafting emotionally charged narratives that resonate deeply with the listener. Each song delves into universal themes of love, self-discovery, and the human experience of thoughts of dying, revealing a vulnerability that invites connection and introspection. The lyrics are filled with poetic imagery, offering layers of depth and meaning that unveil themselves with each subsequent listen.

Mother Mother has created a perfect album, with its dark themes but empowering beats, showing anyone who listens that there’s good in every day and despite a looming death, life can be great. “Grief Chapter” is a meticulously crafted artistic statement that showcases Mother Mother’s growth, innovation, and boundless talent and leaves fans eagerly anticipating the next chapter of their musical journey.

To hear more from Mother Mother or to catch them on tour, Click here to head to their website.